
Breath Training Twice a Day Can Lower Hypertension

Oct 4, 2022

Breath Training Twice a Day Can Lower Hypertension

Are you going to gym sessions or using brisk walks to keep your body in shape? Despite you doing your best on the sports mat, you might be losing out on working out certain muscles – those engaged in the processes of...
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How does what we eat affect our health span and longevity?

Sep 28, 2022

How does what we eat affect our health span and longevity?

What impact do the foods we eat have on the health span and longevity in general? It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. However, scientists at the Butler Center for Aging at Columbia University managed to conduct a...
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How findings on immortality of lobsters can slow down our biological clocks

Sep 23, 2022

How findings on immortality of lobsters can slow down our biological clocks

Aging seems to be an inevitable part of life. Practically all species develop and fix damages to their organisms until a certain period in adult life. Following this, the body no more has the previous capability of fixing itself and...
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Disease diagnostic by the sound of your voice

Sep 21, 2022

Disease diagnostic by the sound of your voice

Voice is the sound that is generated when air is exhaled through the vibrating vocal cords of the larynx. A voice disorder is a disorder of the process of voice formation, as a result of which there is a change...
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Longevity depends on the prompt elimination of lysosomal disorders

Sep 13, 2022

Longevity depends on the prompt elimination of lysosomal disorders

Aging is a highly complex process that affects a wide range of physiological, genomic, metabolic and immunological mechanisms. It has been known for decades that the aging process involves a decline in healthy metabolism and the body’s ability to maintain...
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What determines longevity in ants

Sep 8, 2022

What determines longevity in ants

In some animal species, presence of large offspring is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. This is mainly due to the fact that fauna representatives producing more offspring dispense their nutritional resources to support regeneration processes. It’s revealed insulin-similar...
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Sleep-age for long-term health predictions

Sep 7, 2022

Sleep-age for long-term health predictions

Stanford scientists have developed another important indicator that can be used for long-term predictions of people’s health and likely mortality. The researchers were able to fix how sleep indicators – its quantity, the duration of individual phases and the nature...
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Portal has become an information partner of the Eternity Life Forum

Sep 7, 2022

Portal has become an information partner of the Eternity Life Forum

The date of one of the most extraordinary events in the medical industry is getting closer, therefore, it is time to introduce you to those who became our partners and supported our ideas. We present you the portal This...
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How does blue light affect our body?

Sep 1, 2022

How does blue light affect our body?

Investigations conducted by scientists at Oregon State University found blue light rays lead to irreparable harm to cerebrum cellular structures and retina. It has been proven blue light passing through cornea and lens can cause effects such as dry eyes...
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How do strong muscles help maintain brain health?

Aug 31, 2022

How do strong muscles help maintain brain health?

When people think about the most effective way to enhance brain function and protect against brain diseases, they might have been expected to start talking about nutrition, crossword puzzles, or education, but there is nothing more essential than physical activity....
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